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Resources for Families

This packet includes the NYC DOHMH/DOE health form, vaccination requirements, free breakfast and lunch program inquiry form, electronic device policy, self-dismissal procedures, and Emergency Readiness Initiatives memo.

The New York City Department of Education’s provides a single place where our educators can go to find and study important information about your child. Sign in to see your child’s recent test scores, attendance records, and grades.

If you don’t have a user ID or password, please visit your child’s school. You must bring a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or IDNYC) as well as your child’s student ID number (sometimes called “OSIS number,”) which you can find on his or her report card.

The Parents' Bill of Rights presents the citywide standard rights and expectations for Parents and students.  The New York City Department of Education Discipline Code serves as a guide for student behavior expectations to support learning as students strive to become productive citizens in our diverse society.


Visit the NYC DOE to know your rights -  Translations are available on those pages.


There, you will find the current Parents' Bill of Rights.


For reference, here is a copy of the most recent 2019 Discipline Code.


Visit the Random Acts of Kindness website for stories, videos, and resources for parents and teachers:

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