We had 17 students attend the New York State Championship, competing against all of the best players and schools in New York (which means the best in the country as far as scholastic chess is concerned) in various sections.
We took 4th place in the HIGHLY competitive K-5 Under-1400 section – one of the most difficult section in the tournament, and is the final stepping stone to competing in open championship sections. When ICN started at PS 198 a year and a half ago, only one player in this photo knew anything about chess. Since then, these students have all developed into tremendous players who can coalesce as a team to compete against the best in the country.
We also have a first grader scored 5 out of 6 points in K-1 under-400 and tied for 3rd place. Another first grader placed top 20 in a highly competitive K-1 championship section.
These excellent performances are part of the school’s ICN chess program – thank you to these coaches!