School Supplies
Contribute to Bulk Order of School Supplies
The PTA is collecting a suggested donation of $25 per student to place a bulk order of school supplies needed across all classrooms.
You can contribute here: ( https://secure.givelively.org/donate/ps-198m-parent-teacher-association-inc/school-supplies-2024-2025 )
Any extra funds donated will be used to cover supplies for families in need and to replenish items that deplete during the school year. Should any family find that purchasing the items listed below presents a hardship, please contact our Parent Coordinator, Raychel Manko (rmanko@schools.nyc.gov).
For remaining supplies, which are unique to your child's grade, please click your grade button below, read the document, purchase these items, and bring them to class the first week of school.
Grade Specific Lists of School Supplies:
Lists for 2024-2025 school supplies are here. The buttons below will direct you to our grade specific lists of school supplies.